2009年11月10日 星期二


(Sourcehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MorphOS 2009/10/26)

MorphOS /(n.)/

解釋:MorphOS is a computer operating system (OS). It is a mixed proprietary and open source OS produced for the Pegasos PowerPC (PPC)-processor-based computer, most models of PPC-accelerator-equipped Amiga computers, and a series of Freescale development boards that use the Genesi Firmware, including the EFIKA and mobileGT. Since MorphOS 2.4 Apple, Inc. Mac Mini G4 is supported as well. The core, based on the Quark microkernel, is proprietary, although several libraries and other parts are open source, such as Ambient (the desktop interface).

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/)

中文翻譯:MorphOS(MorphOS) 是一台電腦操作系統(操作系統)。這是一個混合系統和開放源碼操作系統製作的 Pegasos PowerPC PPC)的processor-based電腦,大部分型號的PPC加速器裝備Amida電腦和一系列飛思卡爾開發板,使用Genesi Firmware,包括 EFIKA mobileGT。由於MorphOS 2.4 蘋果公司Mac Mini四國集團的支持。在核心的基礎上,Quark核心是專有的,雖然有幾個圖書館及其他地方都是source,例如Ambient (桌面接口)(SourceGoogle翻譯)

