2009年11月10日 星期二


(Sourcehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CineFX 2009/10/26 )


解釋:Jahshaka aims to become a cross-platform, open source, free, video editing, effects, and compositing suite. It is currently in alpha stage, supporting realtime effects rendering, but lacking useful implementations of many features such as the non-linear editing system. It is written using Trolltech's Qt, but its user interface is written using an OpenGL library to create GUIs.Since it uses OpenGL and OpenML, it could be ported to many different platforms that have the necessary computing power.Jahshaka is released under the GNU General Public License.As of February 2009, Jahshaka seems to have been rebranded as CineFX.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/)

中文翻譯Jahshaka目標是成為一個跨平台,開源,免費,視頻編輯,效果和合成套件。它目前處於alpha階段,支持實時特技渲染,但缺乏有效的實現許多功能,如非線性編輯系統。這篇文章是採用奇趣科技的Qt,但它的用戶界面書,用一個OpenGL庫來創建圖形用戶界面。 由於它使用OpenGLOpenML,可以移植到許多不同的平台,有必要的計算能力。 Jahshaka發布根據GNU通用公共許可證。 截至20092月,Jahshaka似乎已改名為CineFX(CineFX)(SourceGoogle翻譯)

