2009年11月10日 星期二

bump mapping

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bump_mapping 2009/10/26)

bump mapping / (n.) /凹凸貼圖

解釋:Bump mapping is a computer graphics technique where at each pixel, a perturbation to the surface normal of the object being rendered is looked up in a texture map and applied before the illumination calculation is done (see, for instance, Phong shading). The result is a richer, more detailed surface representation that more closely resembles the details inherent in the natural world.

(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/)

中文翻譯: 凹凸貼圖(bump mapping),又稱為皺面貼圖,是一項電腦圖形學技術,在這項技術中每個待渲染的像素在計算照明之前都要加上一個從高度圖中找到的擾動。這樣得到的結果表面表現更加豐富、細緻,更加接近物體在自然界本身的模樣。


