2009年10月13日 星期二

Windows Editor Support


Unity 2.5 adds full support for Windows Vista and XP, with 100% feature parity and interoperability with Mac OS X. The Unity Editor has been rebuilt to look, feel, and function identically on both operating systems, each running the same underlying engine. The best part? Unity on either platform can build games for either platform -- cross-platform in the truest sense.

Unity2.5增加了完全支持Windows VistaXP,100%的功能平等和互操作性與Mac OS X的Unity編輯器(Editor)已經重建的外觀,手感和功能相同的兩種操作系統,每一個運行相同的底層引擎。最好的部分?統一平台上可以建立任何遊戲的任一平台-跨平台的真正意義。

