2009年10月24日 星期六

Earth Eternal


The new 3D MMO adventure that you can play in a browser. Free.

The time of Man has passed. The great achievements of humankind have been lost to antiquity or reclaimed by Mother Earth, leaving fresh ground for the ancient Beasts from which Man descended to return to Earth and contend with Demons, Faeries, Dragons, Gods, and Titans of old.

Deep, original storyline.

Set in a high-fantasy universe that combines real-world history, legend, and myth with original creations, Earth Eternal incorporates a blend of original fiction, mythologies from Norse to Egyptian, and classic fairy tales into an epic, sweeping story.

Vast 3D Landscape.

Earth Eternal's large, handcrafted world, based on a very fictionalized version of Earth, provides plenty of room to explore. You'll find lush forests, barren deserts, snowy mountains, underground dungeons and caves, murky swamps, seaside villages, and more.

Classic Combat

EE's combat system rewards both individual and group play. It involves some level of auto-attacking as well as individually activated abilities. No matter what combination of abilities players have taken, you'll build up 'melee charges' and 'magic charges' with certain abilities and then use those charges to unleash the proverbial hounds on your enemies (who are legion).




設置在幻想世界並且結合現實世界的歷史、傳說、神話與原始創作Earth Eternal也混合了虛構小說、埃及和挪威神話故事和經典的童話故事到廣泛的故事情節。


Earth Eternal的世界,是建立於一個高度虛構版本的地球,提供了充足的空間來探索,你會發現茂密的森林,貧瘠的沙漠,雪山,地牢和地下洞穴,黑暗沼澤,海邊的村莊…..等等。



