2009年10月25日 星期日


Gamestudio is for everyone. It offers three levels of access in one single package:
Beginner: Click together games or prototypes from pre-assembled game templates. A simple action game can be built in a few hours this way.
Advanced: Use our tutorial workshops to learn programming, and create commercial quality applications with the easy and effective lite-C programming language. Use the included level and model editors to create the artwork for your game.
Professional: Include Gamestudio's A7 engine into your software using the Source Development Kit and your preferred language - C++, C#, or Delphi. Create your levels and models in the FBX format with high-end editors such as MAX™ or MAYA™.

高級:使用我們的教程講習班,學習編程,創造商業質量的應用與方便和有效的建興- C編程語言(C programming language)。使用隨附的水平和模型編輯器來創建你的遊戲作品。 專業:包括Gamestudio的A7引擎使用到您的軟件開發工具包的源和您首選的語言- C++中,C#Delphi。創建您的水平和模式的FBX格式在高端編輯例如MAX™或瑪雅(MAYA)™。

